Welcome to the Loring PTO!

When your family joins the Loring School community, you become a part of the Loring PTO; a community of parents, teachers and school administrators joining together to enrich the educational and social experience of our students.  


Parent involvement is critical to our success and there are a number of ways to get involved. If you are interested in learning more about the different opportunities available please email our co-chairs Anne Devine and Melissa Perla.


What's Happening this Week

2/5/2025 7:37 pm

Here's what's going on!

* Food Pantry Tomorrow

* Ada Ari Author Visit - Book Sales close 2/7

* Loring Goes to the Movies - Signups now open

* Lunch & Recess Volunteers Needed

* Save the date for Loring's Science Fair

* Parent's Night Out & Auction update

* Birthday Book Club

* PTO Open Roles

* Updated 2025 Event Dates

- Community News: Sudbury Girl's Softball Registration, Sudbury Flag Football Spring Registration, Sustainable Sudbury Webinar 


Questions on anything PTO related?  Email cochairs@loringpto.org.

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TOMORROW - February Food Pantry

2/5/2025 7:27 pm

Wear your favorite sports gear (maybe even show your Super Bowl team loyalty?!) and bring in your donations! Let's spread some love and stock those shelves again before we begin a relaxing winter break! Please consider donating.

You can donate in one of THREE ways: 1) Have your student bring your items to school on tomorrow and leave it by their normal building entrance. 2) Have too much for your student to carry? Drop it off any time today or tomorrow before 8am and leave it in the bin under the front awning! 3) Would you rather give a monetary donation? That counts to our box total too! You can donate at https://sudburyfoodpantry.org/donate/ or send in cash or check (written to Sudbury Community Food Pantry) with your student this week. Just be sure to email the co-chairs at cochairs@loringpto.org if you donate online so that we can count your donation to the Loring number!!


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Author Ada Ari is Coming to Loring! Book orders due tomorrow (2/7)

2/5/2025 7:17 pm

Award-winning children’s author Ada Ari will visit Loring on Friday, February 14th for an interactive reading and cultural program.  If you wish to order autographed copies of her books, please click HERE. All orders must be placed by Friday, February 7th.

As you check out, please enter the following information in the “add a note” section: student’s name, student’s teacher, and the name for dedication. Enter code "LORING" at checkout for free shipping. Books will be delivered during her visit.

Visit https://ada-ari.com/collections/african-folktales for more information.
Please contact Anne Devine with any questions.
*This is not a fundraiser for the PTO.* Ten percent of the proceeds from book sales will be donated to orphanages around Africa. Visit https://ada-ari.com/pages/giving for more.

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Loring Goes to the Movies - Signups Now Open!

2/5/2025 7:14 pm

Please join us on Saturday, March 8th at 1pm for a special screening of How to Train Your Dragon at the Maynard Fine Arts Theatre.  

Tickets are free courtesy of the Loring PTO but are limited so please sign up today!  

Sign Up Here

** This is not a drop-off event, grownups must sign-up for a spot and stay with students. **

 Questions? Please email cochairs@loringpto.org.


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Lunch and Recess Volunteers Needed

2/5/2025 7:11 pm

Lunch & Recess volunteers needed for GRADES 1, 4 & 5 TOMORROW (February 7) and GRADES 3 & 5 on Tuesday (February 11). Please signup if you are available as this provides much valued time for our classroom teachers to have planning time together. It's also a pawsome opportunity to see your kids and their peers during the school day.  Volunteer slots are open through March 2025. 

Dates, times and training information can be found on the volunteer page of the PTO Website.  Please read through the instructions carefully and email Kerri Brien kerriapatrician@gmail.com with any questions.

To SIGN UP, please click here and make sure to "Read More" for other important details.


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Science Fair: Save the Date

2/5/2025 6:49 pm

Mark your calendars, put on your thinking caps - imagine it, build it.  

The Loring Science Fair will be held on Thursday, March 27th!  Registration will open soon so stay tuned for details.

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Parent's Night Out & Auction

2/5/2025 5:43 pm


Save the Date for our Parent's Night Out on March 29th - We're partying like it's Y2K all over again!  Tickets will go on sale next week: $55 per person. 


Want to help make this our most pawsome auction ever?  

Gift cards, experiences, books, services, etc are all welcome - we're looking to have items at a variety of price points to offer our community!  We can provide a tax receipt for the value of your donated item or service.

The Auction is one of our largest fundraisers and allows the PTO to fund programs for the 25/26 school year.  This year's auction will move back online (alongside some special *live* only offerings) to allow everyone to participate.  Please reach out to loringauction@gmail.com to donate or for more information.


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Birthday Book Club

2/5/2025 1:43 pm

Celebrate your child's birthday and support the Loring PTO with a Birthday Book! Have your child choose a book that they'd like to donate to the Loring Library in their honor. There will be a sticker on the inside cover that notes who it is from, so everyone who checks it out will know who picked it for years to come. We will also give a shout out in our newsletter each month to those who have participated.

Find out all about it here!

Forgot past birthdays? It’s never too late! Purchase your books now!

Questions? Email birthdaybook@loringpto.org

Scholarships may be available. Contact Karen Blumberg for more information.

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PTO: Open Positions

1/22/2025 3:05 pm

The PTO relies on volunteers to run successfully.  We will have to cancel events and programs if we do not have committees to run them. 


Immediate Needs: 

* Fun Run Coordinator - we have an experienced team but need a volunteer to oversee event & coordinate with vendor (Boosterthon).

* Yearbook Volunteers - help with page layouts and photography for a specific grade-level collage or create a school-wide collage like "First Day Photos" or "Leopard Fest.". This is a very flexible, work-from-home position that requires no experience. Additional help needed for special 5th Grade highlights.  Bulk of work completed during March & April.


Upcoming Needs (Onboard now to shadow current volunteers): 

* Camp Fair Coordinator - coordinate the PTO's 2nd largest fundraiser (and the only one that requires no funds from our parent/family community). Has support of Camp Fair team to break up responsibility; Coordinator role can be split between 2 people and bulk of work happens from Sept-Jan.  

* Leopardfest Committee (multiple openings) - plan and execute our September back to school  celebration.  Our current team is aging out of Loring and we need new members to keep this event going.  Planning can begin over the summer and is wrapped by end of September. 

Exec Board positions - co-chair, assistant treasurer (2 year terms).  Email for further information.  


 Many roles can be done primarily from home and all can be done on your own time. Thanks to everyone who has reached out and stepped up to keep our PTO running strong!  

Please email cochairs@loringpto.org for more info.

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2025 Save the Dates - Updated

1/22/2025 3:04 pm

Mark those 2025 calendars!

February 7th: Food Pantry Friday

**Friday 14th: Author Ada Ari Visit (in-school, kids only)

**March 7th: Food Pantry Friday

March 8th (1-3pm): Loring Goes to the Movies, How to Train Your Dragon (Family event)

March 19th: Loring Eats at Mooyah 

**March 27th: Science Fair (Family event)

March 29th: Parents' Night Out @ Jack's Abbey Y2K Style (ADULT ONLY event)

(Auction will run concurrently online)

**April 4: Food Pantry Friday

**May 9: Food Pantry Friday

May 9th: Loring Art Show (Family event)

May 21st: PTO General Meeting

May 31st: Fun Run (Family event)

**June 6th: Food Pantry Friday

(** New Events added)

Stay tuned for more details on all of the above! 


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Birthday Book Club

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Register with us to receive our newsletter and appear in the Student Directory!  Communication occurs primarily electronically, so don't miss out on any of the pawsome news!  You will have the option of adjusting the information that appears and subscriptions our receive.