Welcome to the Loring PTO!

When your family joins the Loring School community, you become a part of the Loring PTO; a community of parents, teachers and school administrators joining together to enrich the educational and social experience of our students.  


Parent involvement is critical to our success and there are a number of ways to get involved. If you are interested in learning more about the different opportunities available please email our co-chairs Anne Devine and Melissa Perla.


Introducing Your 2024-2025 Executive Board

7/1/2024 10:39 am

At our general meeting last night, we voted in new officers for 2024-2025. Without further ado, the Executive Board next year will be:

Melissa Perla, Co-chair

Heather Larson, Co-chair

Sergey Zinger, Treasurer

Michael Landberg, Assistant Treasurer

Sharon Brady, Secretary

Thank you to these pawsome PTO members for volunteering for these roles!

Please email cochairs@loringpto.org if you are interested in learning more about the co-chair position.


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School Suppies

6/28/2024 1:00 pm

Clickhere for 2024-2025 school supply lists.

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Happy Summer, Loring!

6/12/2024 2:30 pm

And that’s a wrap on the 2023-2024 school year!

As my two year term as Co-Chair of the Loring PTO comes to a close and I write my 38th and final newsletter, I would like to take a moment to thank all of the wonderful families and staff for their tireless efforts to make Loring the amazing school that it is.  Our volunteers and staff truly go above and beyond to enrich our students’ education and experience at Loring.

As you read in yesterday's email, we have accomplished so much together over the past year!  I won’t repeat it all here (I’m sure you’ve all had time to thoroughly digest our latest e-blast, right?), but we planned and funded 26 creative enrichment programs, 10 staff appreciation events, eight community events, six hospitality events, extensive classroom support in the form of books, activities, seating and supplies, plus so much more.  (Seriously, read yesterday’s email - it’s impressive what we were able to achieve together!)  Your support is what keeps our PTO rolling along year after year, whether you volunteered your time, supported our fundraisers or just attended our events with your children.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

As I finish up my 9th year as a Loring parent, I’m just as impressed by the PTO’s impact on the Loring community as I was in the fall of 2015.  I truly appreciate the opportunity to be a part of such a dedicated team of women over the past two years.  I would like to especially thank this year's Executive Board for all their hard work and support.  As co-chair, Melissa Perla jumped right in and served as a sounding board all year.  Cate Kashem is finishing her tenure as Treasurer, and her thoughtful input was always appreciated.  Sharon Brady, our Secretary, always pitched in to help wherever she was needed.  Heather Larson served as Assistant Treasurer and will take the Co-Chair role next year.  Sergey Zinger and Michael Landberg will round out the Board as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, respectively.  Thank you both for stepping right in!

Our events and initiatives would not be possible without the support of Loring’s staff.  Thank you to Paula Saliga and Vicki Harrington for helping out with everything that we do; Shawn Maguire and Susie Trubiani, the absolute best custodial team we could ask for; and all of the teachers and staff, who dedicate each and every day to educating and enriching our kids.  And, last but not least, thank you to Sara Harvey and David Gaita for their partnership, collaboration, and tireless support of the PTO.

While I am definitely looking forward to my “retirement” from the Board, my feelings are bittersweet as I transition back to my other, less time-intensive coordinator roles.  (Please, no one tell my husband, but I’ll be back next year to help plan Leopardfest and, let’s be honest, probably volunteer in a myriad of other ways.)  I will miss working so closely with fellow parents and staff members, but I know that Melissa, Heather, Sharon, Sergey and Michael will bring us a pawsome 2024-2025 school year! 

Have a wonderful summer, everyone!


Anne Devine, Loring PTO Co-Chair

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2024-2025 Events: Save the Date

6/12/2024 2:26 pm

Fall will be here before you know it - get these dates on your calendar so future-you won't have to stress in September!

Monday, August 26th - Kindergarten Playground and Popsicles (1:00 pm); rain date is Tuesday, August 27th

Wednesday, August 28th - First Day of School (1st-5th)

Tuesday, September 3rd @ 8:00 am - BooHoo WooHoo breakfast for kindergarten families; 1st day for kindergarteners

Friday, September 13th - School Picture Day

Friday/Saturday, September 20th/21st - Fall Book Fair

Saturday, September 21st 4:30 pm - Leopardfest 

Saturday/Sunday, October 26th/27th - Pumpkin Walk

Saturday, May 31st - Fun Run (Tentative)

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Open Roles

6/12/2024 2:25 pm

Interested in making an impact on your student's experience at Loring?  We have many open roles for the 2024-2025 school year and there is something for everyone!  Without these critical roles filled, we will need to scale back on our PTO offerings.  


Please reach out to cochairs@loringpto.org for more information.


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Loring Lego Engineering Club

6/12/2024 2:21 pm

The Lego Club is a parent-run student club for 4th and 5th graders that are interested in robotics, using Legos to build a rudimentary robot that can complete simple tasks.  The students prepare for a state-wide competition in December each year, held by FIRST Lego League.  It's a lot of fun and it's so rewarding to see the students go through the problem solving process!   Loring has had a parent-run Lego Engineering club for 4th and 5th grade students on and off over the last few years. It ran for a year before the pandemic and then again during the 22-23 school year. Our previous coordinator aged out of Loring, but we still have the supplies.  If any parents are interested in reviving the club, please email cochairs@loringpto.org so we can put you in touch with the previous coordinator.  

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Thank You, Loring

6/5/2024 12:27 pm

Over the course of the year, we try our best to recognize the many volunteers that contribute to the PTO in the Thursday Notices. But, in addition to the board, there are other roles that go on all year long and we would be unable to support many of our initiatives without these dedicated Loring family members. As the school year comes to a close, I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the many volunteers who support the PTO in these roles.

First, a huge thank you to Crystal Pike for all of her “advisory” work this past year.  Even though her time on the board ended last June, we kept pulling her back in to help with various tasks.  Thank you so much for continuing to support the PTO - you’ve put in your fair share of time (and then some).  Thank you to Xi Su for all of her work on the Membership Toolkit sales and forms as well as the website.  And apologies for some of our last minute requests!

Thank you to Laura Warren for taking on four roles this year!  Not only did Laura chair the 5th Grade Committees, she also took on the roles of school beautification (the pawsome planter and flowers that greet us as we walk into the school), room parent coordinator, and senior day coordinator (the day where the Loring alums graduating from LS return to visit).

Heather Larson once again coordinated Food Pantry collections and probably shuffled more boxes than my Amazon delivery driver.

Have you ever wondering where those Red Folders come from?  Well, we can all thank Nadia Salman for volunteering each summer to source and label hundreds and hundreds of folders.

Thank you to Katie Riordan and Amy Kohen for coordinating the Birthday Book Club and for fielding many of my continuing questions and frantic texts.

Our previous apparel coordinator, Rebecca Firth, passed the baton to Sarah Astman.  Thank you both for keeping us in our Loring best!

Stephanie Coury stepped up in her first year at Loring to coordinate our Staff Spotlight, which celebrated each and every Loring staff member throughout the year!

Thank you to Colleen Gleason-Epple, our Business Sponsor whisperer, for recruiting our fabulous slate of Business Sponsors.  Our sponsors are responsible for almost 25% of our annual budget!

Kerri Brien was back as our lunch and recess volunteer coordinator and waded into planning the auction/PNO for the first time.

Thank you all for keeping this PTO moving forward each year! 

More to come next week in my 38th and final Thursday Notice (not that I’m counting)!

- Anne Devine

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Curtis Gear

6/5/2024 12:22 pm

Congratulations to all the 5th graders who are moving on from elementary school!!! 

If you want to get your 5th grader excited about Curtis Middle School, how about a cool 5th grade graduation gift from the Curtis merchandise store? They can rock a Curtis shirt or a pair of shorts all summer long!

The Curtis store is open through the end of the school year.

Please use the below link, or visit the online store through the Curtis CPO home page.

Curtis CPO - Curtis Gear

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Birthday Book Club

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